quiz > Lycée > Anglais  

Les verbes irréguliers

1) The battle had just ...…
2) I ..... across the river.
3) No money can be.…
4) You .... very early.
5) I .... a bad .…
6) I ...... the grass.
7) .... what could be …
8) Some water was ..... on the table.
9) Much blood was ..…
10) The ........ to and fro.
11) This words should not be ...…
12) I .... her for ten years !!
13) I had no time to .... you.
14) I ...... up early this morning.
15) The rocket ...... in the sky.
16) I ...... the sheriff.
17) I have ....... in a small village.
18) The sun ..... bright yesterday.
19) Nothing was to be ..…
20) I have..... him ten pounds.